
and the woman, where she was

Follow-up to this from a few days ago. Start here.

I can't comment on right or wrong on her position -- the whole eyelog thing and all -- but I can comment on her interpretation of Biblical teaching on women, or at least her experience with others' interpretations.

One, she's obviously met some misguided ones, since the Bible is very clear on the equality (in some sense) of women, and the uplifting of the role of women in Judaic times. Any one who interprets the Bible as anti-woman has no understanding of who Jesus spoke to and why He spoke to them.

Two, however, Jane's immediate annoyance at perceived threats to her gender are not out of righteousness at truth distorted. Slippery slope here, and she needs to realize that her flesh rebels against submission. Man has no authority over women save in marriage. Women rebel against submission causing tension, and men rebel against Godly leadership causing tension.

Third, correct gender interpretation or not, do not confuse upholding your gender with killing children. Ain't no interpretation that gets you to that level of evil. Personal God or otherwise.

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