
of the house and family

"Training Your Children by Faith" {Deut11:18-21, Prov22:6}
* Dichotomy: Satchmo covering disaster
* Parent not perfect; child not perfect; understanding of Biblical parenting not perfect; society 180 from Word -- recipe for disaster
* My fault or the world's fault? Not the world.
* The same God of the Hall of Faith is the same God who can/will overcome.
* Love God. Believe what you say. Better caught than taught.
* Take time. Parental work hrs correlated to performance. Poor societal messages resonate with broken homes
* Hold high expectations. Stop making excuses.
* Practical Tips:
- Work on union first
- Infect them with love of Lord
- Teach obedience
- Teach self-control
- Teach niceness
- Teach servant leadership
- Pray

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