
the key of knowledge; you

Been awhile since I suggested sermon topics, but here's one for you based on a single v, 2King19:27:

"'But I know your sitting down,
And your going out and your coming in,
And your raging against Me.'"

Three lines, three parts to this one, related to the omniscience of God.

Pt I: You hear just this line, and you might think it sounds like the Isaiah or Psalm v's about knowing you from the womb, knowing your every hair like a sparrow. I'm stretching it to mean He knows what you're scheming. When sitting quietly and not gabbing with other people, our thoughts run naturally to what we want to do -- short-term, long-term, whatever -- but when we have a moment to ourselves to rest, we naturally scheme. He knows of those self-interested thoughts.

Pt II: He knows your every movement. This is often the carryout of the sittingscheming. No slinking in shadows, in darkness; He sees that skulking. From the v prior, we know He knew you were planning it in the first place.

Pt III: Whether in thought, whether in actual action, or whether as a response to guilt for the actual action, He knows all three when they go against Him and cause Him to turn away His face.

We can focus on the knowing our every need, knowing our every hair if that helps us sleep better at night. But lose sight not of the knowing of the rest of it either.

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