
them to the end

"How to Finish Well" {2Tim4:1-5}
* Intro
* Priority: Preach the Word
- Seriousness: Spoken in the presence of Almighty and Son; will answer before throne
- Essence: Preach -- for all followers {Mark16:15}
- Scope: Be ready to correct (show truth), rebuke (condemn non-truth), encourage (move to truth)
* "So easy to justify what I want to do"
* Must be in the Word to accomplish above
* Obstacle: Disregard for truth
- Myth 1: Word not sufficient
- Myth 2: Word not sophisticated
- Myth 3: Word not settled
- Myth 4: Word not sure
* Need: Perseverance
- Be sober (free from distraction)
- Endure (suffer evil)
- Do evangelist's work (even if not gifted)
- Fulfill ministry (saved for a purpose)

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