
a craftsman made it

"The Intelligent Design Issue"
* 1Pet3:15 indicates need to be ready to answer
* Same evidence available to all
* All have biases; all explanations begin w/biases
* Two kinds of scientists: theists and naturalists
* According to Biblical bias: science a method for investigating created world
* To naturalist bias: science an attempt to explain world without a Creator
* Explanations for origins can be checked against reality
* Law of biogenesis: life canNOT come from non-life
* Consequence of naturalist position: man junk
* Reality agrees with Biblical record
- Newton, Boyle, Pascal, Farraday: all theists
- Information req ID
- DNA record shows 1 woman/man; mitochondrial clock shows 6000 yrs, not millions
* Consequence of theist worldview: man special to God

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