
what they were thinking in their heart

This article is lengthy, but well-worth reading if for nothing less than to expose one of the great lies (and most successful lies) of Satan: the belief that faith and intellect are at odds. This great lie comes to head most often with the Creationism-Evolution debate. But it wins in so many more subtle ways.

Relationship "experts" talk about how men use their heads and women use their hearts, pitting what you feel/believe against what you think. Lost characterizes one main character as a man of science and another as a man of faith, explicitly stating the contrast. Churches teach us to save souls via love and service rather than through officiated public debates -- because one route is more successful, or one route is far more difficult?

Sure, He wants belief without sight, wants you to trust Him. But He certainly doesn't ask you to check your mind at the door. Do not believe that lie.

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