
because it had no depth

This article is brilliant in its boldness. And its brilliance is due to the sincere heart for authenticity in faith from which the list was generated rather than out of some inner need for rebellion -- although its shots at fad Christianity certainly touches the right notes in me. My disdain for the purpose-driven drivel of the modern American church can be found by random clicks through prior months. I'd do the research for you, but no need to rehash old rants. Wanted to remark on one that caught my eye today, and as the rest continue to linger in my head, I'll remark on the others that took away my breath.

Point one is important for all in leadership positions in churches to read and commit to heart. So many pat themselves on the back for the number of signed attendance cards at the end of services declaring a changed life. Just this week, heard of a local church that set three-year goals for new converts. As EO's Carter points out, Lord never calls us to count those Sinners Prayered as somehow fulfilling our mission. Lord calls for changed lives, lives turned completely over to His use. He wants disciples and not followers.

Have spent the past two and a half years growing in a role where I can better see the difference between the two. Fact is, for twenty plus years I have called myself a follower; Lord knows only six or seven of those have earned the title of disciple. Before the throne, I'll answer for the six hundred plus now in the flock. It should terrify me to know that part of that accounting will be comparing the disciple/follower ratio before and after my calling to leadership, and that the only successful ratio is 100% the former.

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