
also gather together into one

"Belonging: Devoted to Community" {Acts2:42-47}
* Thesis: Ultimate sacrifice of Christ on cross established bride of Christ. Our bond to God is linked to our bond w/ His body.
* God created me for community
- In sinless Eden, man still not created to be alone (Lord actually says it is "not good")
- Lots of together statements in Word
- 1Pet1:3b; Eph1:5
* Forsake folly of individualism
- Rom12:4-5
- Interlocking redwoods
* Commit/devote to community
- Biblical teaching
- Authentic fellowship
- Christ-centered worship
- Corporate prayer
- Results? Miracles, wonders, unity, saved souls (v47)
* Application
- Put faith in Christ
- Consistent worship attendance
- Join small group
- Get baptized
- Membership
- Attend Concerts of Prayer

{Ed: Not sure how today's post links with yesterday's post when one teaches preserving self while the other forsakes it.}

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