
would pretend obedience to Him

It's a serious spiritual issue when you make decisions claimed to be based on spiritual principles, but when in reality the underlying reasons are something different. It's certainly an integrity issue. It's certainly an honesty issue. But it's also an obedience issue.

Obedience has nothing to do with what you want. It's easy to find the spiritual principle that might back up your desires. But the Lord doesn't want you living your life on Biblical principles if they defy His will for you. Living an upright life in the place you're not called to be, that's no better than shacking up before marriage -- either way, it's living in sin, living in disobedience. (maybe slight hyperbole, but not much)

Do me a favor: don't seek signs set up for the answer. Spare me the facade and simply follow your passions. Both paths lead to the same end, except one isn't lined with falsely constructed signposts.

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