
was he who built us our

"Worshiping the Creator"
* Church's one foundation -- Jesus Christ, our Lord
* Who is Jesus?
- John1:1-3, Col1:16-18, Eph3:9, Heb1:1-2 -- Christ is the Creator
- God appointed Son to create all things in Gen1
* Christian doctrine built on NT ref; NT ref on OT basis; all on concept of Christ as Creator
* Worship = "worth-ship" = "workman-ship"
- Amount of work determines value of worth
- Work of Redemption {Rev5:9}
- Work of Creation {John1:3}
- No greater work than that done by Christ; ergo, no greater value; no greater worth.
* Eternal Gospel {Rev14:6-7}
* John 3:16 not the full Gospel -- only half
- John3:14-15 first part
- God's judgment against sin
- God merciful
- By grace through faith, salvation
* Gospel
- Began in Gen1 w/ Christ Creator
- Moves through Matt w/ Christ Savior
- Ends in Rev w/ Christ Lord of all

More from a fantastic speaker can be found at www.evidenceweb.net or www.creationresearch.net.

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