
with you now and to change

OK, check out this analogy. Imagine you're someone who likes to drive: to the store, to school, to your job, to the country fair, wherever. Now imagine the price of gas goes up from where it is today to $20/gal. How ridiculous would it be to continue driving as much as you used to drive, but to spend all your time griping about the price of gas? Wouldn't the situation require you to change your behavior to some degree?

Believers who call themselves such without the 180 are like this stubborn driver. They value their own likes too much to consider altering their lifestyles. Which is why they church-hop -- they're looking for a church that won't preach the truth against their worldly ways; it's like driving around town looking for the cheapest gas station so you can still cruise. What they don't realize is that perhaps the 180-change is meant for their benefit. That massive gas tax that hiked the price to $20 was not meant to infringe upon your life; it was meant to reduce the rate of highway deaths.

I think I'm beating this comparison to death. Leave me alone. I didn't say I was a world champion analogist.

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