
to perform the duty of

Met with a brother this morning and discussed the role of the church. One position sees the role of the church as teachers -- enabling individual believers to grow spiritually on their own. This perspective sees the role of pastors and elders and ministry leaders only as overseers of individual growth. One consequence of this perspective is that children -- who are too young to manage their own growth -- must have their paths of growth be led by their parents and not the church. The church, you see, instructs believers to do their jobs; and the duty of spiritual development of youth falls under the purview of parents. Hence, the church plays an assistance role, but only through the parents.

A second position (the current model of most churches, especially from the role of immature believers) sees the role of the church as the source of all things religious -- where ALL spiritual development is in the hands of the church. Many churches see themselves as the doer of all things, resulting in haphazard ministries, all keeping their own successes. They view themselves as the sole fount of all knowledge and growth. You must attend Sunday morning AND Bible study AND prayer night, because otherwise, how would you grow?

The third position sees the role of the church beyond instructor, but not as far as ultimate guide. The church has a more active role in addition to teaching, and that is some actual doing as well. This perspective sees the role of pastors and elders and ministry leaders as overseers of individual growth, and where necessary the responsibility to act as interventions. In this perspective, the church -- as the extended family of the immediate family -- also has a shared (albeit much smaller) responsibility for the spiritual development of youth. No question the onus lies with the parents, but the church plays a role, too.

It's not too difficult to see where I am on this spectrum. Position one vacates all spiritual responsibility from the bride of Christ. The Bible says the church is His hands and His feet; surely they must be used for more than writing on a chalkboard? The second position vacates all responsibility from the believer. Our walks are individual walks, not group walks, and pastors will answer before the throne for spiritual development, but so will each of us individually. I'm a man of extremes and blacks and whites, and I would love to embrace one of these polar positions. But methinks truth lies more to the third option, and there I will seek to lead those that wish to follow.

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