
followed Him, because they saw

"Come, Follow Me" {Matt4:18-22}
* For the sake of the call
* Context: disciples did not respond without knowing Christ beforehand; had spent lots of time with Him before His call to begin ministry
- Diff twixt disciple & believer
* Disciple is a fully devoted follower of Jesus {Matt16:24}
- Marks: obedience, service, desire to please Christ
- Spectrum: curious-convinced-committed
* Not all believers are disciples {Luke14:26-27}
- Church is full of half-hearted Christians/lukes
* Being a disciple is a great privilege w/ significant cost {Luke14:25-27,33}
* Disciples are devoted to Word {John8:31}
* Disciples love Him more than anyone & anything {Luke14:26}
* Jesus does His work through His disciples {Matt4:19,14:17-19}
* Disciples have a special relationship w/ Him {Matt12:48-49}
- Ex: saw Him transfigured, got parables explained to them, saw His resurrected form
* Baptism a public declaration that we are disciples {Matt28:19}
- God loves ceremony (see marriage, child dedications)
* Mark of a disciple: love for one another
* Disciple is devoted to making other disciples (evangelism/outreach) {Matt28:19-20, 2Tim2:2}

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