
so if you seek Me

If I shared with you the details of what the wondrous one and I experienced today you simply wouldn't believe it. I heard it said once that "Coincidence is when God chooses to be anonymous." The details of my story show you that the booming voice from Heaven is when God chooses to make sure you know that He answers whenever you choose to call.

The Bible says ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened. That isn't an empty challenge. All of those unbelievers and lukewarm believers who look to the heavens and ask for a sign and don't receive them are: (a) not sincere about their request, or (b) not listening for the answer. Because it's been abundantly clear to me for over twenty years that knocking leads to doors ajar.

The big issue in most signasking is that the Lord isn't going to speak to a heart unwilling to be obedient. Lord knows whether or not you are asking out of sincerity or cynicism. He's not going to waste a sign on someone who's going to ignore the first one and ask for a second for confirmation. But, brother, if your heart lifts up that call, and at the same time delivers itself up and says here I am, look to the sky. You'll see that reply like a batsignal in Gotham.

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