
for a different gospel

No matter how often I read it, Rev comes off as half-crazy and too different for inclusion in the rest of the Bible. Half-crazy because John's rantings make no obvious sense with the stars and the lampstands and the glowing image of God. Different because the NT is made up of parables, active scenes with Him, and non-ranting letters.

This time through the start, a few things actually caught my eye and made me reconsider my opinion:
* The realization that though different in tone than other NT books, this is surely no less ranty than say Ezekiel and the wheels and the six wings and the multifaces.
* Phrases like standing at doors and hearing voices and the knocking are clearly reminiscent of MMLJ.
* The grand issue of names returns; here we're given some cooler nicks for Him (the Amen being my fave) added to Son of Man et al.
* Sword of the mouth made some sense this time around (see Eph).

I'm either reaching, or reaching.

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