
that occurred in connection with

You’re not keeping up here, I know. Reminder for the nth time: not for you. These all linked but only my heart can make the connection. But one day your heart will connect on its own and maybe all this will make sense.

What it is all about (trying for the nutshell): A source of light (pure energy, scientifically) who will bring you into His presence, a Stephen-like glimpse spiritually and emotionally (and maybe even physically) if not visually, if only you ask. And if you ask, you will get it in spades.

I cannot tell you enough: to get it and connect; to touch it will hurt so good; the snapping trembles will hurt so good your soul may never recover; a turning so complete you’ll wonder why it took so long for you to ask.

The journey there is important, yes. But just ask.

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