
who sees me sees the One

One of the reasons I've resisted dampening the voices is that I don't like my mind to feel clouded. Sometimes coffee does it to me and I can't bear the stark silence. I'm under the weather right now, and the worst part isn't the throbbing back right side of my head -- it's the cloudedness. So nothing to say from me, but below is an excerpt from a Schilling interview with some Boston sports people (the full interview can be found here

While many think you're a great pitcher and a courageous human being, some don't understand why you think the supreme being cares about whether you win a baseball game or not.

CS: "I never said He did."

Don't you pray before every game?

CS: "Yes."

What happens with your god when you lose?

CS: "With my God? Or God? I don't think anything happens to Him, but I think pretty much every time I do lose I get taught some sort of lesson. Be it preparation, aggression, execution, or humility."

Wasn't he listening that day?

CS: "He listens everyday."

If there is a supreme being of some sort, some may question whether he cares who wins the World Series. There just might be a few more pressing problems in the world.

CS: "Agreed ... I never asked the Lord for a win, or a strikeout, or to be better than anyone on the other team. I simply asked Him to provide me with the strength to get to the mound and compete, and to give me the strength to glorify Him when I was done. I have had the opportunity to do this in my career, and until this year I had basically passed. No more. Like every other time in my life when I looked to Him for help, for answers, He answered. But this time He answered in a way I felt. I always thought that when I asked, He was supposed to answer in a way I could easily see and understand, but I know now that a lot of times I am asking for one thing when I really mean something else, or asking for something I don't need. So now I stop asking the old way, and start letting Him decide what I need and how I need it.

"There are so many more pressing problems in the world I agree, but I can't be more than one person, so I asked for me, and for everyone on the field, the ability to compete, and do right, and wisdom.

"I proved to myself Game 1 that I didn't have the strength to do it, to overcome whatever it was I needed to overcome, Game 6 and Game 2 were all His. He got me out there, and my teammates took care of the rest.

"If you haven't checked it out, read Philippians 4:13 -- can't do anything these days without having that reverberate in my head."

There are other lines in the interview where Schilling wears his faith on the front of his uniform. It's so much more becoming than any team logo imaginable.

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