
saw it, they gave praise to

More on the thing we've been focusing on lately. There are four types of people in any given congregation on any given Sunday during any given hymn/song:
1) Worshipers: Have the snapping trembles; know that the time is all about them & Him, one-on-one.
2) Singers: Sing because they think that's what you're supposed to do; just do it, but don't feel it.
3) Listeners: Sit (or sometimes stand if everyone else is doing it) and do nothing; think those leading the worship are there for their entertainment, or something; don't see that this is an active and critical part of worship. Songs aren't like sermons for the soaking -- listening is akin to doing NOTHING.
4) Unbelievers: Unsure what to do; maybe lipsync a song, usually casually observant; respectful of the worship going on around them, without them.

What's the diff twixt 3) and 4)? Outwardly nothing. And that should give those in 3) some reason to shudder.

What's the diff twixt 3) and 4)? Inwardly everything. And trust me, to God that's plenty of shuddering material for consumption.

2) is a step up from 3) and 4) -- but that's like the winner of a worm-eating contest. If you aren't in the 1), you're missing the whole point.

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