
silence the ignorance of foolish

Continuing with our thought from yesterday that scientists are every bit the blind faith followers they claim religious folk are. The largest contributor to scientists' ego and lack of faith might very well be the media. The media for all their claims to objectivity are from the devil, be clear about that. Their leanings go against the church, and to make any claims otherwise is outright lying.

Case(s) in point is its treatment of science news v religious commentaries. Here's a story that didn't get picked up. World-famous hawker Hawking admits a gross error. He changes his mind for no reason, he makes up forces that didn't exist to suit his equations, and he speaks as if his theories could be grounded in something other than blind speculation. Not front page news.

This particular article goes on with speculation as to how planets form. Science continually modifies, rebuts, and reforms its facts. How can facts continue to be changed unless they were never really facts to begin with? Creating computer simulations is as realistic as creating a simulation of a giant chicken crushing Los Angeles. Doesn't make it real.

And what about this. Data and findings continually contradict previous data and findings. Scientists pick on what they call "irregularities" in Gospel descriptions of Jesus' geneaology or resurrection morning as proof of the fallibility of Scripture -- yet point out the disparities by every study they do and it's because you're stupid and blind. Right.

There were several other examples, but merely collecting the speculations and lies is making me sad that society can be this fooled.

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