
them with his magic acts

ISam28 reminds me of Star Wars, blasphemous as that may be. But you don't see the connection twixt Obi Wan and the seanced Samuel (not vv obviously, since one came before the other to my young conscience)? In any case, this brings about several thoughts.

The first is that souls exist in very clear forms, and in this example, in the last state in which they arrived. And those looking for Heaven as a final great escape from trialed bodies, what of them?

Secondly, the medium's calling of Sam indicates that such occult magic is possible -- condemned by the Word, yes, but real nonetheless. Do not doubt the power and reality of light, but reminder here of the reality of darkness.

Counterpoint to one and two: what if a realignment of the air realities occurred during the trip to Paradise, making all this moot? Answers only the air can provide.

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