
on the list, for

Take note: when He says He hates something, hates it, sitting up and taking notes is the only proper response. And in Prov6, that something, that it, is actually seven things. The list:

* Pride
* Deceit
* Killers of innocents
* Schemers
* Those easily seduced by the dark side
* Paid liars
* And peacebreakers

On these seven points, seven notes:

* Eyes were cited as windows of the soul -- i.e. even secret arrogance pushes His buttons
* Interesting that tongue chosen. Deceive internally, but once it's out, it's yours to claim
* Veyr specifically excuses killers of the guilty -- so now what? Capital punishment okay again?
* Not wicked plans, but the heart that devises them; premeditated evil is worse than the evil alone
* The running rapidly down the slippery slope, where the desire to sin is great enough to cause a lemming rush to the fall
* Integrity up for bid? Liar bidding on that soul.
* Peacebreaking twixt brothers is what's mentioned. And peacebreaking among others?

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