
who come to you in sheep's clothing

Perfect message at the perfect time. Not the only one who finds the fad-drivens to be evil.

"How to Respond to Counterfeit Christians" {2Tim3:1-9}
* Intro: Bombing of London & Titanic -- warned early, with no response. Need both warner and responder
* Context: Days of spiritual decline in church when Christianity no longer recognizable, Last days refers to season twixt 1st and 2nd coming
* Characteristics of depravity
- Lovers of self, boastful, arrogant, conceited, ungrateful
- Lovers of $
- Abusive, unloving, lacking self-control, unforgiving, brutal, reckless
- Disobedient to parents
- Unholy, not lovers of good, lovers of pleasure
- Slanderers, treacherous
- Summary: Having an external facade of godliness sans power
* Response: Avoid them {1Cor15:33}
* Tactics: infiltration & imitation (Jannes & Jambres in Ex7:10-11)
* Outcome: failure & exposure
* Applications
- Understand church under spiritual attack
- Recognize truth; be doctrinally discerning
- Avoid false Christians

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