
in the prophets, and they shall all

Question: would you truly want to be a prophet or not?

Position 1: Absolutely not. Because God speaks vocally only to a chosen few, only a chosen few truly, absolutely know His will to a degree that disobedience is not an option. You would truly need to devote your life to proclaiming His message to the exclusion of all other things. You would appear absolutely insane to the entire world, and face tremendous guaranteed suffering to defend the truth.

Position 2: Absolutely. Because God speaks vocally only to a chosen few, imagine how special that makes you? Imagine having complete certainty in knowing what His will is, and not having to second-guess yourself. Imagine being able to devote your life to proclaiming His message, despite the thoughts of the outside world, knowing your reward rests in the thereafter. Imagine facing suffering knowing it is not all in vain.

The modern Christian says he wants two, but really means one. One allows disobedience. Perhaps, that's the reason two doesn't exist today -- none could bear the choice.

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