
comes in his own name

An excerpt from tomorrow's thing:

. . . keep a record of every time you did something or thought something or said something that you know is something the old you wouldn’t have done, or thought, or said. It will be a record of change. . . . the question directs your thoughts to ensuring that what you do is what He’d do, since your actions will reflect on His name. And if His name is every bit as important as His word says it is, that’s a heavy burden to think about.

We are told not to judge the world, but the world will most certainly judge you. When the world sees a Christian sin, they don’t condemn the Christian, no, they condemn Christianity. When our reputation doesn’t fit our name, God’s reputation is affected. . . . None of these names matter. The only one that has eternal consequences is the name “child of God.”

What will your name, your identity be to the world? What will your name, your reputation be to the world. Because when all is said and done the one name that He would love to give you is “good and faithful servant.”

Who will you be?

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