
and scorn your name

Gal6:7 is a clear warning for all, believers and the uns alike. On the sheep hand, for all who think that their secret sins are expunged somehow by their accepted grace, do not be deceived. The mocking you do is in front of His face, waving that get out of hell free card. Your consequence will be doled out, you shall see.

On the goat hand, for all who think their open hostility to the faith is somehow expunged by their belief that the faith is not real, do not be deceived. The mocking you do is in front of his face, with your hatred not below the surface at all. Directions for the lake come with that package you receive at the throne.

An interesting thought that whenever we go against Him, it is mockery and not just simply disobedience. The message here is that taking Him for granted or going against Him implies He is not real, or He cannot respond -- mistaking His silence for nonexistence or impotence. Rather it is extreme patience knowing His time is soon forthcoming.

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