
but the end does not follow

You could read this and try to guess the stance that I will take. Easy ones include attacks against the legal system and their neverending quest to make sin completely legal everywhere, all the time, in the hopes of following the will of their father the liar and subtly convincing people that legal is the same thing as morally right.

Another easy one would be to attack the media in their ever-constant battle to negatively portray religion, and their attempt to create sympathy with vicitms everywhere, all the time, in the hopes of following the will of their father the liar and subtly convincing people that sympathy is the same thing as the moral high ground.

I will take to task, rather, the Jezebel at the heart of the story. Rather than face up to the fact that her sin led to her consequence, she chose the way of the world to deal with her problems. She chose to defend her sin. She chose to stay in a world whose beliefs she doesn't agree with. Why not go all the way down her chosen path and find where the way of the world takes you?

Perhaps it is because she already knows where that road leads. But trying to escape one road by bringing that road with you towards what you know is right makes little sense. If you don't think there are consequences to your sinful actions, Jez, you should try a little more studying.

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