
so they watched him

You read an article like this and it might frighten you, the power of the government to see whatever you do on the computer in your free time. You think about the wiretapping and the spy satellites and the grocery store barcodes. You think about phishing and credit card scams and ID theft. You worry about all the people you do not know who know your every move.

You worry about all that, and yet none of them know you completely like God does.

God doesn't need the wiretapping to know what you say. God doesn't need the spy satellites to see your every move in darkness. God doesn't need cookies to trace your every mouseclick and move of your hand. And that really should frighten you if you do not know Him as your Savior. Because in your thoughts and in your actions and in your reactions and in your just very being, you are sinful. And no holy, righteous God can endure that dirtiness.

Removing cookies won't save you. Wearing aluminum hats won't save you. Never logging on won't save you. But God has good news for you, friend. He has an outstretched hand, nail-pierced, that reaches out for you and says "Take this, please." No need for fear in love, He says "It is finished." The ledger is clear. No worry about any eye looking into your darkest corners, because that looking has already been done, but through cross-colored glasses, God looks through cross-colored glasses into those darkest corners of your heart and mind and soul and still that nail-pierced hand reaches out take this take this please.

Take it, please. Are you ready to face eternity without fear?

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