
Me together with yourself

It must've been lonely.

40 on your own in the woods. 40 on your own without nourishment. 40 on your own without direction. And anyone who has ever faced a crisis alone, on his own, knows that that loneliness attracts the howlers faster than anything else.

But Jesus isn't alone, isn't ever alone, and He knows that. And liar offers that companionship and Christ says God alone. And liar offers that nourishment and Christ says God alone. And liar offers some direction and Christ says God alone. And liar offers the world, offers it all, offers all and Jesus puts aside the 40 and puts aside the hunger and puts aside the seeking and puts aside the shadows and looks at him and says No No God alone.

Lesson learned. Would be easy today to give in to being on own. But never, never on own. And take that hand, and take it, and walk, and walk with eyes to God alone.

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