
will become in him a well of water

Heard a beautiful quote:

"Thirsty hearts are those whose longing have been wakened by the touch of God within them." -- AW Tozer

I imagine that if you grew up in the Sahara, you'd eventually not see sand, not see the desert around you. That level of blindness to the desert is what affects all people. They do not see that all of them, all of us, begin our lives as desertwanderers. The start of the journey to the Promised Land begins with the desertwandering. But imagine being part of that journey and not realizing you are amidst that sand?

Spiritual blindness.

But imagine that one day you taste cool, refreshing drops of water upon your parched tongue. You don't forget that feeling and want more, as much as you can handle. You would give all your sandy belongings for a cup of that pure refreshment. Or like Riley has said, it's wanting something like you want that first breath of air after a near drowning.

That desire is your search for God. But that desire is also the heart of worship -- a longing for the presence of God. An aching of good hurt, that you are so close and so far. It's an awareness of your stifling surroundings and having that first taste of true refreshment brought to life. And once you go there, you never want to go back to the dryness before.

Maybe you want to remain in your ignorance for that bliss, but I tell you, friend, you don't. You want your thirsty heart wakened.

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