
sees the evil and hides

Going to try to draw attention, for what it's worth, to how despicable the media (or MSM as everyone is calling it these days) really and truly is. I've railed against them before, yes, I know. But you can't see how much they hate God until you know what they are really up to.

Case in point: infanticide.

The press refuses to use the language of the pro-life. Everyone is aware of that. But to actively hide the dangers of abortion to the country? Have you seen what a big deal the press makes when national studies prove something may or may not be harmful to people? Like hormone therapy for women? Or for fatburners? Or for anti-depressants? If there's a remote chance that something is slightly or potentially harmful, here comes the press with their "investigative reporting" and their sensationalism.

But here comes this study, one of the most comprehensive studies ever done on abortion that indicates there is harmful effects to the mental health of women who undergo abortion, and guess how much press that got? Or the results from this study that discusses the harmful effects of the murder pill. Lots of national coverage there, huh?

CNN, NY Times, et al, you want to focus on Bush's slipping poll numbers? Go ahead. I guarantee you that before the throne, issues of popularity won't rank as high as the issue of whether or not you contributed to slaughtering His little ones. Headline for you: Lake Really, Really, Really Hot.

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