
He was speaking to us on the road

Yesterday's sermon but posted and counting for today because Easter stands alone, and because I can do that.

"Overcoming Spiritual Avoidance"
* Conflict avoidance common in America: ignore bad kids' behavior, marital problems, health symptoms, et al. Worst problem is Lord avoidance.
* Avoiding Him since very beginning: Gen3:8 (garden hiding)
* Many ways to avoid Him
- Believers walking off the path
- Unbelievers ignoring all mention of Him
* Multiple pathways to knowing Him
* Pathway#1: Nature
- Lord made all around me
- I must be accountable to Him
* Pathway#2: Morality
- Realization that evil exists
- Realization that part of you evil
* Pathway#3: Pain
- All will encounter pain one day
- Why exist? How to bear? Is there more?
* Pathway#4: Mortality
- Death rate is 100%
- Most ignore thought; all will face {Heb9:27}
* Jesus is answer to all pathways
- Lord of all Creation
- Lord overcame evil
- Lord will give you rest
- Lord is life
* All pathways lead to one question: Lord or not?

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