
or who is the one

"The Magdalene Mystery"
* Who was MM according to Word?
- Devout follower & friend of Lord
- Introduced in Luke8
- First to see Him risen in John20
* Bachelorhood & celibacy condemned during 1st century?
- Norm to be married, but not impossible not to be
- No historical proof
- Prophets & other high clergy often single
* Lord & MM married? If so, then what?
- No Biblical or historical proof
- Even so, no impact on His deity
- Marriage (& sex w/in marriage) Biblical -- no inherent sin in marriage, ergo no effect
* MM in Last Supper?
- Gospel clear on 12 disicples there
- If MM, then where John, most beloved disciple?
- DaVinci painted all men effeminate (see King David pic)
- DaVinci noted as much in his notes
* MM sole successor to Lord?
- Based on gnostic gospel in reference to evangelism not church governance
- Eph2:19-20 clear that no successor, male or female, appointed by Lord
* Lord have children?
- No historical or Biblical record of such
- Even so, no impact on His deity
- Children a blessing from above; not sinful
* Jesus the original feminist?
- Yes, in sense of raised value of women
- No, in sense of equal roles

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