
denied its power; avoid such

"A Heart Affair" {Matt5:27-30}
* Intro:
- Some topics hard to relate to; lust applicable to all
- This culture especially
* Why give up so much for so little?
- Don't know full cost
- Sex powerful
- Sex deceptive
- Starts small & harmless & innocent
* Unrestrained desire is sin (v27-28)
- 7th commandment
- Women as well as men
- Wrong to consummate, but also wrong to want to consummate -- cultivating temptation is sin
- Desire not wrong -- why marriage exists
* Purity is important
- Not just in action but thought
- "Cutting off" analogy not punishment but prevention
- Do whatever necessary to prevent sin
* Practical advice
- Desire an alarm (avert disaster)
- Watch your input (do not linger)
- Dress modestly {IThess4:3-8}
- Work overtime on marriage (prevent desire by meeting each other's needs)
- Run from temptation (i.e. Joe & Potiphar)
- Accept His forgiveness

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