
as when a lion roars

Wondrous one brought to my attention a v that had escaped my unfortunately shallow poring over of the Word, and that is Luke10:18. Lord says "I was watching Satan fall from Heaven." There may not be a more indescribable v in all the Word. It is a revelation of the Lord's eternal character, there at the beginning of all things. Present at one of the most foundational moments in all of human history. The precursor to the other fall, the one in the garden. Witnessed that event in person. How does one respond to that revelation?

Interesting scene it occurs in, too. The seventy return and gloatingly declare the power they have in the Lord. Lord doesn't rebuke them, really. Points them heavenward; praises the Father Himself as an example.

Done pondering now. Mind cannot wrap itself around the image of the Lord recalling to Himself light and dark and light becoming dark and the beginning of all things leading to the end of all things.

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