
so that you might be exalted

Got this note from a brother this morning discussing being before the throne:

". . . I was overwhelmed by the thought of spiritual battle that takes place when we come into worship as the body of Christ. I think if Satan could choose one place in our lives to distract us it would be in our times of worship. It's in worship that we gain a proper perspective of who God is, who He came to be in our lives, and what He wants to accomplish. It's in true worship that our lives are transformed, renewal is recognized, brokenness is manifested and commitments are cemented. Worship changes us, it tells us that God is near and we're not Him. Sin shows us it's [sic] ugly side in true worship and bondage is broken. In worship, we realize that to live surrendered to Jesus is the key to a life of spiritual freedom . . . I plead with you, brother and sister, to join me and spend some time these next few days, prostrate before the Lord, bathing our worship services in prayer. The destination of those that come through our doors depend on it."

Love the refocus emphasized by these words. Worship not for God. Worship for us and for others. Ridiculous how easy it is for liar to make us think differently. No need to plea, brother. Already on the knees.

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