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What all can a man do?

How far can a man stretch -- his time, his resources, his skills? What priorities does a man set in juggling marriage, family, and ministry? Is there room for time for self? A man can only do so much, so what all can a man do?

Lord is always calling you to stretch. Going to come to a point where not possible for you to do the juggling. To a point where it is impossible for you to meet all the needs. To the point where it is impossible for you.

It is there the Lord meets you and says, "I know. It is impossible. For you." Word says nothing is impossible for Him. Lord defines miracles by their ability to do the impossible. Lord says it is, in fact, all Him when you hit that wall. It is why He keeps calling you to stretch. Because when you come to the point where you can no longer reach, it is then that He reaches out to you, takes you by the hand, and says "I am enough."

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