
whatever you have said

Harmless mistake or symptom of larger problems? It would be easy to chalk this up to simple laziness or understandable error. After all, many know Him as Jesus of Nazareth. Wasn't there a film titled such? But make no mistake, my friend, it is more than simple human error.

MSM gets other birthplaces right. They won't claim Abe Lincoln was born in London. They'll do some fact-checking on that one. I could bring out that liar is behind this -- an attempt to cloud all aspects of the truth; an attempt to bring wrong where there is only right. Even I see that as an overreach.

It's simply reflective of modern media feelings toward the Messiah. They don't care. They don't care if they get it right. They don't care if there's a backlash. They don't care whether or not it impacts the message of the story. They simply don't care. And from my point of view, that is far more dangerous and far sadder than because they did it on purpose. Far sadder.

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