
your Father who speaks in you

"Jesus on Prayer" {Matt6:5-15}
* Intro
- Little bit of knowledge often the key to start
- Lord gives us the starter on prayer in the Lord's Prayer
* Right attitude in prayer
- General principle: If motive to impress others, no benefit from Lord
- Right audience: Lord is the hearer; Do in public what you would in private
- Secret prayer: Again, public ears aren't the ones that matter
- Sincere prayer: Much of prayer learned from habits of others till they become your habits; pray w/ meaning
* Lord's model for prayer
* Remember to whom you are speaking
- "in Heaven" establishes His grandeur, His place in universe
* Remember to pray for His glory
- For people to honor His name
- For people to submit to His reign
- For people to do His will
* Remember to pray for our needs
- "our" not just your
- For Him to provide
- For Him to forgive (not salvation, but relational distances)
- For Him to protect

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