
foolish men and slow of heart

Where Harvard goes, there goes the world. As Harvard has listened more and more to liar and gone from pastors' college to representative of all things secular and evil, the world has followed. Now a bastion of humanism and secularism, it will lead the shadows before the throne of God one day before their trek to the shores of the lake.

You might think this means I am delighted by the recent turn of events. No, my friend, that is simply a mask for more delightful evil ahead. The recommendation will simply mean more will be introduced to a greater variety of untruths. It will mean more will be given liars' lenses from which to view the truth. It will mean more discussion of tolerance and relativity, rather than a saving knowledge of the Son of God.

Harvard stands as the ultimate symbol for the world turning its back on God. It will end its days having the roles reversed on that great day.

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