
sure that your character

Counseled some coworkers tonight on how to deal with having to beat your head against a a wall at work, how to deal with frustrations before the onset of burnout. It boiled down to attitude, I said. I told them if you believe that you are talented, and that you have other opportunities, why do you do what you do? And if you can find the reasons behind why you stay where you are, that will change your perspective on all things.

There is not a religion corollary to the above thought. The above thought is the corollary to the religious belief. When you know who you are, when you understand basic character facts about your life, you are freed from having to deal with the basic frustrations that want to overwhelm you each and every day. When you know who you are, your perspective changes on everything.

That is why becoming a Christian has to be lifechanging. Why it so often is. When you realize that you are a child of the kingdom, when you understand that you are His beloved one, when you know that you are wept over by the Messiah of all things, well those phone bills are less important, aren't they? That little fight with your loved one not so life-crushing, right? That promotion you didn't get not the end of the world.

You are who you are. You are the Lord's. All else? All else is nothing.

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