
then a voice came out of

Unbelievers call it coincidence. Mathematicians call it convergence. New age spiritualists might call it kismet. Believers understand it to be the grand design He has in store for us when His will is made known to multiple people at the same time. This labeling occurs at the moment of realization when believers see His hand moving behind the scenes and speaking the same message in different ways, all to bring about some happening whose purpose is not readily apparent.

But that recognition of His voice whispered to His children and herding them to their destination is such a comforting image, despite whatever terrors those words might bring. That knowledge of His speaking to us in the first place is worth the eventual outcome, whatever it might be.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge during the last two Sundays for the youth. They need to hear the truth about God's creation. Sorry I was gone this morning. I was so sick. I haven't been sick in a long time. Keep on posting, I enjoy reading.