
His mother, and the disciple whom He loved

"The Faith of Mary" {Luke1:26-38}
* Intro: Something about Mary -- chosen by God based on faith and internal characteristics
* Mary teenaged believer
- Faith mature for one her age (likely 13-15 yrs old, customary age of engagement then)
- Many of heroes of faith young (ex: Samuel, David, Daniel)
- Mary's faith was personal relationship w/ God; not faith in religion but relationship
* Mary honored believer
- "Favored one", "found favor w/ God" (v28, 30)
- Lord reassures her w/ sign w/o her asking for sign
* Mary courageous believer
- Had to face family, fiance, friends, & community w/ news of pregnancy
- Faced likely divorce; didn't know Lord would also speak to Joseph
- Mary's response to Gabe not astonishment but incomprehension
- Mary responds to God in faith
* Application
- Faith not dependent on age (but on Word & Spirit)
- Faith positions us to be used by God mightily
- Faith means you obey God regardless of cost

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