
and they have tired you out

Sorry for the outage. Laptop issues. Sloth issues. Will issues. Went back to the time-honored custom of paper journals. Like a 14-yr-old girl. Sans butterfly lock clasp. I can assure you virtually, however, that these retro-dated thoughts were, in fact, recorded. Somewhere. Mostly in my head.

Get to be back before the brethren end of March. Spirit will be speaking on rest and renewal. A quick preview:
* Intro:
- Summary of prior characteristics of God
- Purpose of sabbatical: R&R
- R&R not just for pastors, but for all
* Lord of rest
- Rested on 7th day
- Commandment #4
- Ps23:2
* Lord of renewal
- Ps 23:3
- Rev21:5
- 2Cor5:17
* App
- Unrested? Rest
- Unchanged? Change
- Unbeliever? Trust

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