
purity of devotion to

In prior years have mused on love in the context of Lord. Will do so again today on one particular aspect, and that is the effect that the knowledge of love can have on you.

Events of the day conspired in a valiant attempt at unnerving my calm and instigating a spiral of anger so familiar to liar and me. But didn't allow myself to head down that path. In fact, I couldn't even had I tried. Instead, suffused with this peace that -- knowing my leanings and tendencies -- certainly fits the description of a peace that treads past a large sign designating some point of comprehension.

I chalk this up to an iPod reminding me of the great love of God. Worship is not only the opportunity for you to pass along your I love yous, but also for you to receive them back in kind. And when that binding love holds you that tightly, brother, no amount of vice can muscle its way in, allowing virtue to reign unfettered. That virtue not self-directed, no sir. Up. I'm pointing up.

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