
the sheep follow Him because they know His voice

Noticed an interesting little comment the other day while reading Gen24. Abe's servant meets Rebekah in a providential way and lets her know so. She excitedly returns home, and the matter is presented to her family. Abe's servant describes the account to them and asks for their permission to take Rebekah away to her new unseen husband-to-be. In response to the servant's story, Rebekah's parents say, "The matter comes from the LORD; so we cannot speak to you bad or good."

Faith doesn't take the time to weigh in on the morality of a command from God. There is the instinct in us to carefully consider all of the facts in a situation to then divine the rightness of a particular action. But the grand assumption in such pondering is that you are capable of seeing all of the facts. The reality is that it doesn't matter whether or not you consider something "bad or good" since you can't see the big picture. The only matter to be considering is whether or not pondered course of action "comes from the Lord" or not. If so, the faithful answer doesn't come with a judgment, but rather with a "Sir, yessir."

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