
go in and out and find

Caught a few minutes of an interview with a fine actor. He was asked a question about what acting instruction he had received and how he applied all of the different methods out there into his performances. He basically stated that he utilized little bits of everything, but it was the analogy he used that was striking. He said, "like in religion, you pick and choose the things that work for you."

Fine actor, but lousy theologian.

But he did utter a popular sentiment, no? Modern religion, especially American Christianity, is less about objective truth (especially in matters of doctrine), and more about which worship style fits you, or which ministries serve you, or whether or not the pastor wears a tie, or whether or not you bond quickly with fellow believers.

Voltaire once stated that if God didn't exist, it would be necessary for man to invent one. He does exist, and still man finds invention necessary.

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