
have you not read in the

Wondrous one attended an emotionally tough event and shared with me what took place. She described a particular rite performed by the US Army, something called the "Last Roll Call". A commanding officer reads through the names in a unit, including the names of the fallen ones. And where living members respond to their names, the silence that greets the names of the fallen ones serves to highlight their absence.

At the Judgment Throne of God, there will be another reading of names. Those names will be read from the Book of Life. The difference will be that that Book won't include all names, but rather only those living ones bound for eternity. The fallen ones, the ones not included in that Book, will be greeted by the deafening silence of an eternity apart from God.

My friend, you can ensure that your name will not go missing. You can ensure that your name will not be omitted from that Book. You can ensure that silence will not highlight your absence. You can do all of that by placing your faith in Christ. And if you do that, my friend, your name will not be blotted out, but called aloud by the powerful voice of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Will you make that commitment today?

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