
did not have too much

Greed is a basic human characteristic; we always want more than what we have. And at a basic level, we can agree that certain desires for more when one already has much is outrageous. The rich man with six cars (all BMWs) who decides to go get that Cadillac because he wanted a different ride for every day of the week, I think we can all agree that he's too greedy. We may quibble over how much is too much, sure, but overall, I think we'd agree that when you have something of tremendous value, asking for more than that is ridiculous.

The more I think about eternal life as we approach Good Friday in just under four weeks, the more I am disgusted with the worship of Easter by evangelicals. I think we undervalue the price of having our slates wiped clean. I think we don't see the tremendous value of being square with God. I don't think we get what a treasure we have in simply knowing that every bad thing we've ever done, every ounce of unholiness in us has been taken care of.

No, we still want that mansion in the sky. We still want those streets paved with gold. We still want that eternity in Heaven. We still want those ten thousand years with no less days. And admittedly, if you were to covet anything, you should covet eternal life since there is nothing else worth desiring. But when you already have that debt paid, to think that somehow not enough? How is that not the height of avarice?

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