
the goal of our instruction is

"How to Live Out Your Faith" {Titus2:1-8}
* All are watched: by kids, by coworkers, by unbelieving world -- lifestyle biggest testimony of Christ in us
* The command {Titus2:1}
- "But you" directed to all believers (prob in Crete of false teachers)
- "Sound" doctrine = wholesome, healthy
* Directions to older men {Titus2:2}
- Older not always wiser or more mature
- Ps92:12-15
- Directed to those 50+
- Temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, soundness
* Directions to older women {Titus2:3-4a}
- Directed to those 60+
- "Likewise" -- same as directions to older men
- Reverence, careful in speech (sometimes easier to be pure than confidential), temperate, mentoring/encouraging
* Directions to young women {Titus2:4b-5}
- Directed to women w/ families
- Love husband, love children, self-controlled, pure, diligent, hospitable, Eph5
- Point? To honor God ("They are watching your marriage.")
* Directions to young men {Titus2:6-8}
- Self-controlled, doing good deeds, doctrinally sound, careful in speech
* Applications
- Learning sound doctrine doesn't automatically result in living a Christian lifestyle
- Understand the importance of doing good deeds

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