
to succeed by his influence

Wondrous one and I had a discussion about the concept of self-control. Some friends had created a contest meant to encourage self-discipline, and the wondrous one wasn't faring well. This led to a discussion of why self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. My response is that self-control is about denying your natural urges; that as we seek to be more like Christ, the way to do that is to be less like the self. She responded that shouldn't the term be God-control rather than self-control?

On one hand, that makes perfect sense. Christ is clear in John15 that apart from Him, we can do nothing. The new creation spoken about in 2Cor5:17 is only available from God (v18). We are told to live by the Spirit rather than the flesh. We grow in Christ-likeness only when we do what Christ did, which was submit Himself to God. So self-control really is God-control, allowing Him to make us into something different.

On the other hand, God isn't interested in puppets. He doesn't seek submission so that He can make you say and move the way He wants to in the way we play with action figures. John14 makes it clear that the Spirit's role is as a Helper, not a controller. The Spirit assists you in being a better person; He doesn't possess you and shove you aside. The Lord wants our active participation in growing to be one of His children.

Net opinion? Former and latter. Punt. For someone who sees things in B&W, sure sounds like I make do with lots of shades of gray.

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